Introduction to the guidelines
You are about to enter a collection of teaching material designed to guide teachers at the higher education level in how to introduce sustainable development a natural part of the teaching. The examples are mainly directed to the teacher who has not had the focus on sustainable development before, but it is our hope that even experienced teachers can be inspired from these examples.
The examples and introductory text is based on the collected experience from the I.S.L.E.-network for teaching sustainable development in the life sciences, and on a short survey among teachers at our 30 partner universities whom are already teaching sustainable development in their courses.
Introduction to the guidelines
You are about to enter a collection of teaching material designed to guide teachers at the higher education level in how to introduce sustainable development a natural part of the teaching. The examples are mainly directed to the teacher who has not had the focus on sustainable development before, but it is our hope that even experienced teachers can be inspired from these examples.
The examples and introductory text is based on the collected experience from the I.S.L.E.-network for teaching sustainable development in the life sciences, and on a short survey among teachers at our 30 partner universities whom are already teaching sustainable development in their courses.