All HE students take this module, which is the first in the Professional Scholarship Programme (PSP).
This module is delivered in the first term of a student’s HE course and provides early feedback on progress.
Likewise, re-assessment is completed in the spring term.
This module supports the development of students’ written and oral communication, study and IT skills.
Whilst the module provides a basis for the rest of the PSP (Personal Development, Introductory Research Methods, and Research Methods for Honours students, in addition to a Placement Period and an individual major research project for all students), it also supports learning in every other module.
It therefore helps to provide students with the essential tools that will enable them to maximise their academic achievements and learning.
The tutors tailor the learning resources and assessments to the specific, subject and vocational areas relevant to students.
The module also links to the Academic Support Services, through appropriate scheduling of study skills workshops and to the support offered by the course team (personal tutors and placement managers) and drop-in computer workshops for those with no prior knowledge of PowerPoint or the Virtual Learning Environment.