Forests and woodlands represent a significant use of land in the UK, second only in area to agriculture.
They can be managed to provide important economic, environmental and social benefits to owners and the wider population.
Sustainable forest management offers a wide range of challenges and opportunities, many of which are relevant to timber and wood production but also generate potential benefits in terms of biodiversity, landscape, recreation, social and sporting uses.
This module will provide students with a detailed understanding of:
• the nature of the UK forest and woodland resource
• the regulatory framework affecting UK forest and woodland management
• principles and application of silviculture in forest and woodland management
• an awareness of the methods and techniques used to establish, tend and harvest woods in the UK lowlands
• markets for forest and woodland products
• the potential for forestry and forest products to make significant practical contributions to sustainable development
The module structure allows all students to undertake a common 12-week initial introduction to forest and woodland management.
Two further 12-week study routes will then be available, either;
i. an additional forest/woodland element based on sustainable, multi-purpose forest and woodland management (Woodland Management), or,
ii. a field sports element covering the management, valuation and letting of a range of field sports activities, their requirements and impact on competing land uses (Woodland & Field Sports Management).