Forestry is a significant use of land, second only to agriculture in the UK, and in turn is prominent in both national and EU policy.
It is also a resource of increasing economic, environmental and recreational importance.
Field sports feature strongly in the management of rural land and businesses in the UK and have assumed an increasingly important commercial and environmental role. Although such activities seldom preclude land being used for farming or forestry, they can constrain work operations and require effective planning, management and co-ordination.
This module provides an understanding of the practical application of silviculture within the context of sustainable forest and woodland management and field sports management.
It addresses the opportunities and limitations involved in achieving a balance between timber and wood production, landscape, biodiversity and providing opportunities for sustainable recreation.
The module structure allows all students to undertake a common 12-week initial introduction to forest and woodland management. Two further 12-week study routes will then be available, either:
i. an additional forest/woodland element based on sustainable, multi-purpose forest and woodland management (Woodland Management), or,
ii. a field sports element covering the management, valuation and letting of a range of field sports activities, their requirements and impact on competing land uses (Woodland & Field Sports Management).